What living in Asia taught me about inequality in Australia
My education about Australia started when I lived overseas. After 8 years of living in some of the poorest parts of Asia, I returned to Australia to find that there were huge issues here too. With your help, here's how I'd like to go about addressing them.
Australian Government recognises OIC Cambodia's pioneering work
It's been coming on 5 years of hard work from hundreds of volunteers, staff, supporters and advisors, to get a huge unaddressed issue - the lack of speech therapy in Cambodia, on the agenda. But this bit of recognition, from the Australian Government, is a significant stepping stone.
The myth of the heroic expat leader
After close to a decade of working in developing countries, and founding an initiative in Cambodia, I realised I had fallen into a trap. I was perpetuating a myth: that change comes from the heroics of foreigners like myself. The reality couldn't be further from the truth.
5 lessons from 5 years working in Cambodia
5 years ago, I came to Cambodia knowing virtually nothing about the country. Now, I still maintain I know next to nothing. As I step back from leadership of OIC Cambodia, here’s 5 things that challenged my preconceived ideas of working in Cambodia.