The Copernican Revolution in Disability
It's time for a change. The Copernican revolution in disability - where we put the needs, hopes and dreams of people with disabilities at the centre - is already underway. The new model of therapy
Isn't it time we redefine success in charities?
Never in the history of humankind have we had more potential to act. There are more charities than ever, more people volunteering overseas, more crowdfunding campaigns to support at a click of a button.And yet, amongst all of this good work, there is the underlying paradox of the entire charity sector. It is a commonly held belief that for a charity to exist, someone must remain suffering.
When helping others, your original intentions matter
Never, in the history of humankind, has there been such potential for unintended consequences of good intentions.Aid work, once the domain of a select few, has beendemocratised. It’s now the domain of many.
Why International Charities Need To Make Themselves Redundant
What is the purpose of international charity? Is it to perpetuate themselves, or leave a legacy behind, so that local people can solve their own problems?Here's my TEDx talk on the topic.
Three principles to helping people living in poverty
Principles connect your values to action. If we truly value compassion, empathy, and respect, then the work that we do in other countries should reflect this. But often, the principles we base our work upon are either wrong or unclear.So here are 3 basic principles which you can use to create more meaningful impact in the world around us.