Why International Charities Need To Make Themselves Redundant
What is the purpose of international charity? Is it to perpetuate themselves, or leave a legacy behind, so that local people can solve their own problems?Here's my TEDx talk on the topic.
Leadership is about redundancy – what happens after you leave
In a growth obsessed world, we fawn over leaders who maximise profits in the shortest possible time frame, those who achieve exponential growth against expectations.But what if this form of leadership doesn’t help in the long term? What if we need leaders who are more tortoise than hare?
4 leadership principles that children understand better than adults
On 22nd October, 2018, I was invited to speak at my old school - Trinity Grammar School in Sydney, on the topic of leadership. Most talks of this nature set up adults as learned superiors. But given the lack of inspiring adult leaders, it got me thinking - maybe children intuitively know what leadership is?Here's a transcript of my speech.
Three principles to helping people living in poverty
Principles connect your values to action. If we truly value compassion, empathy, and respect, then the work that we do in other countries should reflect this. But often, the principles we base our work upon are either wrong or unclear.So here are 3 basic principles which you can use to create more meaningful impact in the world around us.
This is how you can think more globally - think like a child
It’s one thing to know your privilege. The scientific benefits of gratitude are well-documented. But as important as that is, that is still ultimately self-serving.The question is then: Now that I am aware of my own privilege, what am I going to do next?